What is FireShepherds about?

FireShepherds is an Erasmus+ project that started at the beginning of 2019 with the aim to prepare next generations of Shepherds in the management of extensive livestock with wildfire prevention purposes. The project has its basis on different common problems that the project regions are currently facing: the decrease of shepherds working with animals in extensive regime and the large wildfires that visit us every summer. For that reasons, it is very important to start managing the forest again, as it was done decades ago. To do so, a proper training of shepherds from the next generations is a key action if we want to achieve a fire resilient landscape.

In addition, one of FireShepherds' vocations is to make information on these subjects available to everyone.

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ES - El apoyo de la Comisión Europea para la producción de esta publicación no constituye una aprobación del contenido, el cual refleja únicamente las opiniones de los autores, y la Comisión no se hace responsable del uso que pueda hacerse de la información contenida en la misma.

FR - Le soutien de la Commission européenne à la production de cette publication ne constitue pas une approbation du contenu, qui reflète uniquement le point de vue des auteurs, et la Commission ne peut pas être tenue responsable de toute utilisation qui pourrait être faite des informations qu’elle contient.

PR - O apoio da Comissão Europeia à produção desta publicação não constitui um aval do seu conteúdo, que reflete unicamente o ponto de vista dos autores, e a Comissão não pode ser considerada responsável por eventuais utilizações que possam ser feitas com as informações nela contidas.

DE - Die Unterstützung der Europäischen Kommission für die Erstellung dieser Veröffentlichung stellt keine Billigung des Inhalts dar, welcher nur die Ansichten der Verfasser wiedergibt, und die Kommission kann nicht für eine etwaige Verwendung der darin enthaltenen Informationen haftbar gemacht werden.



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